Herbal Medicine


The World’s Oldest form of Medicine

There is not a society or tribe, however ancient, that has not been known to use plants for their therapeutic value.  While modern day herbal medicine in the UK comes primarily from the 19th century North American traditions; the journey to those traditions stretches all the way back to the 5th century BC and Hippocrates; the father of modern medicine.  Today we continue with new advances in science to build on over 2000 years of recorded use and knowledge of plants and their healing properties.  By doing so we pay homage to the ancestors of Western herbal medicine from the Greeks, Romans and Arabs to the Native Americans and North American settlers.

My Philosophy and Approach to Wellbeing working with Herbal Medicine

Working with you, I treat the whole of the individual. Herbs are prescribed that treat the underlying cause of your symptoms as well as looking at other areas of your lifestyle that may be contributing to your current state of health. My belief is in the healing power of nature and that, given the right conditions, the body’s life force can self heal; using a combination of herbs with detoxification, lifestyle and dietary changes can be the start of this very rewarding journey. Herbal medicine is holistic. It’s about body, mind and spirit. It’s about empowering you to take control of your health.

Why Choose Herbal Medicine?

While conventional medicine has saved countless lives in A&E and trauma rooms it can fall short when it comes to chronic conditions; in particular those that have arisen in more recent times due to the impact of modern life. It often seeks to provide only temporary relief from symptoms rather than address the root cause. This is where herbal medicine and our holistic approach can work more effectively as we work to support the body’s natural healing ability rather than just suppress its calls of distress - symptoms.   
Herbal medicine can also play an important supporting role alongside any conventional treatment you are receiving such as a tonic for the liver to help support its processing of any medications.  We are trained to know the interactions between pharmaceuticals and herbs so we only prescribe herbal remedies that compliment whatever medications you may currently be taking. Using herbs in this way can often lead to a lessening of side effects and a shorter course or lower dose of certain medications. 

In fact, many of today’s pharmaceuticals are derived from plants, well-known examples are Aspirin and Digoxin, extracted from Meadowsweet and Foxglove respectively. As herbalists, we believe that the whole plant is more powerful than an extract. Components in the plant work together to have a synergistic effect on the body that is more potent than an extract working in silo. 

Herbal Medicine in the UK today

The UK has had a long and proud love affair with herbal medicine from King Henry VIII’s ‘The Herbalist’s Charter’ (this act protected the rights of the common people to use herbal remedies and is still applicable today) to our country being the last bastion in the EU to allow most herbal remedies to be easily accessible to the general public and practitioners. Herbal medicine is medicine for the people.

Be it ordained established and enacted by authority of this present parliament, that at all time from henceforth, it shall be lawful to every person being the King’s subject, having knowledge and experience of the nature of Herbs, Roots and Waters… to practise, use and minister in, and to any outward swelling or Disease, any Herbs, Ointments, Baths, Pulters and Emplaisters, according to their Cunning, Experience and Knowledge … without suit, vexation, trouble, penalty or loss of their goods.
— The Herbalists’ Charter ordained by Henry VIII, 1543

Today Herbal practitioners operate under the UK’s Medicines Act 1968 and belong to self-governing professional bodies signing up to a strict code of ethics and practice on joining. We also believe that learning in this field is a lifelong journey and we commit ourselves to maintaining our CPD portfolio each year ensuring we are kept informed of the latest scientific developments.

As a graduate from CNM, I have been trained to the highest standards with a rigorous amount of clinical hands-on experience. I am also a member of the professional body of Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (ANP).